“I liked how they did in the debates.” Really?
I am growing increasingly alarmed with the seemingly endless flow of comments (including from friends who, if they think about it for a minute, know better) about how candidates “did in the debates” and its overblown role in how people are deciding who to support in the Primary.
(Sighs, clears her throat.)
Hello. Politics should not be a reality show, but politicians sure act like it is. EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE WALKED OUT ON THAT STAGE PREPARED BY THEIR TEAM OF PROFESSIONAL CAMPAIGN OPERATIVES WITH CLEAR-CUT STRATEGIES AND WELL REHEARSED TALKING POINTS THAT THEY WERE GOING TO MAKE REGARDLESS OF THE QUESTIONS. In addition, it is the first job of politicians to get elected. In the vast majority of cases a politician will say whatever it takes to get elected, whether they mean it or not. Their positions on issues when campaigning is driven not by principle but by polling.
There is an entire industry of campaign operatives who use polling data other techniques to come up with the right balance of what to say to get both the money and votes needed to win. I’m sure that many of them mean well and tell themselves that they are lying for some greater good, and some of them go on to do some good things as well as betraying us. Making OUR political decisions based on how effectively, convincingly or “sincerely” they deliver their planned, calculated lines, or what they SAY they support rather than what they have actually done makes no sense. In almost every case there is a well documented record, sometimes going back decades, of every move they ever made when entrusted with political power, public money and public trust. That should be the basis of our decision making. The rest is just a show, although yes, they have to make their case to the public, and yes, it’s fun to see them run to the left because Bernie made them do it. But back in reality, its homework time. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.